Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Recipe #34: Grilled fish and chips.

Great recipe!!!  Today I'm giving step by step grilling instructions, so sit down and pay attention!

First off, Real Men Don't Use Propane!

Fire up the CHARCOAL grill.  I use a starter chimney because even though you might be a real man and use charcoal, starter fluid (ICK!) stinks and makes the food taste like gasoline.  Starter chimney --  coals inside and newspaper underneath --  that's all it takes.

Soak the fillets in evaporated milk for about an hour.  Takes away that fishy taste!

A 12 ounce can of Carnation evaporated milk.  You just put the fish in a bowl and let it soak for an hour.  Meanwhile, you grind up a can of sour cream and onion Pringles into dust and add some lemon pepper, paprika  and cayenne pepper.

Roll the fillets in the seasons Pringle crumbs.

AND GRILL!  Gently because tilapia is a thin fillet and it can burn easily.  Just 4 minutes to a side.  Notice I have the fillets off to the edge away from direct heat.

Be careful removing them from the grill --  they are a little fragile when they are done to perfection!

All that's left to do is eat it!  We had ours with tartar sauce and a lovely corn chowder made with the grilled corn left from Recipe #33!


NEXT TIME:  Big Bird with Bourbon Sauce!

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